Showing posts with label Mint Museum of Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mint Museum of Art. Show all posts

Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Items, A Sale and Much More for January

 Hello Clio Customers, Friends and Fans,

Thank you for helping make 2013 another successful year for Clio Ancient Art and the Trust for Ancient Art. I hope 2014 proves to be a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year for you.

I'd like to start off by sharing a few new offerings on our website:

* A 3rd Century Roman mold-blown glass jar -

* A 1st-2nd Century Roman glass bottle -

* A Roman Bronze Claw Foot -

We're having a SALE, ending January 20, on the following specific categories of items --

* Cypriot Antiquities Section: 15% OFF

* Byzantine, European, Medieval and Islamic Antiquities Section: AND 15% OFF

Please note coins are not included in this sale.

Clio added many very affordable antiquities and ancient coins leading up to the holidays and despite the holiday sales rush many are still available. Didn't get what you really wanted for Christmas? Treat yourself to something from the website; prices range from $25 to $2,500 -

Now for a very important invitation: Clio has a simple ONLINE SURVEY WAITING FOR YOU. It's just 9 questions, anonymous, mostly point and click, and only takes 2 or 3 minutes to complete. To help Clio better serve you, please click here to participate in our survey --

Clio received some positive press in the Wilmington, NC Business Journal recently. A copy of that article is attached. Here a link to the article -

Our Trust for Ancient Art ended the year by facilitating transfer of a fine collection of Roman glass from a donor in Atlanta to the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, NC. Here's an article from our Wordpress Blog about this -

As always, thanks for viewing our website.

Best wishes,

Chris M. Maupin
Clio Ancient Art and Antiquities
Chris Maupin Trust for Ancient Art
PO Box 7714
Wilmington, NC 28406
Phone: 704-293-3411

Friday, January 3, 2014

It's Always Nice to Get Positive Press Coverage...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Trust for Ancient Art Facilitates Gift of Ancient Glass to Mint Museum of Art

We are pleased to announce that our Trust for Ancient Art has rounded out the year by facilitating the donation of a collection of ancient Roman glass from an anonymous Atlanta collector, acquired many years ago in Israel, to the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Mint had previously benefited from the Trust’s donation of a superb Medieval English encaustic glazed floor tile. A few images of the Roman glass vessels now at the Mint Museum are included here.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Our Move is Complete

We've completed our long planned move from Charlotte, NC to the historic coastal City of Wilmington, NC. We will begin posting again in just a couple of days. Meanwhile, visit us at:

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Antiquity of the Week: Roman Marble Fragmentary Eros Sculpture

Beginning this week we will post detailed information once each week about one particular antiquity from our inventory.

We begin with a Roman marble fragmentary Eros sculpture.

Here are the basic facts on this piece -

CULTURE / REGION OF ORIGIN: Roman Empire, possibly western Asia Minor
DATE:1st or 2nd Century CE
DIMENSIONS: 17.2 cm. (6.7 in.) long, 10.8 cm (4.2 in.) wide, 8 cm (3.1 in.) deep

DESCRIPTION:A Roman marble relief fragment of Eros, probably from an architectural relief or sarcophagus panel. the figure’s posture is such that it may be reclining, hovering in a larger scene or stepping downward or forward with the left leg. The figure is preserved from just above the navel to the ankles, with the legs parted, one leg bent at the knee more than the other. The figure has the rounded belly and chubby legs typical of Roman Erotes. The preserved surfaces are smooth, with only a few chips. The marble is medium grained with a faintly tan or beige patina, with a few small areas of darker brown and gray discoloration. The bottom section has received two drill holes in the modern period for mounting on a display stand. The flat back side, possibly the interior wall of the sarcophagus panel, has slight remains of a modern adhesive material.

PROVENANCE: Ex UK Private collection

PUBLISHED: Bonhams, ANTIQUITIES, 1 May, 2008, London, Page 206, illustrated in color on Page 207

The posture and general style of this partially preserved figure of Eros suggest it was once part of a much larger sculpted panel composition on a marble sarcophagus. The particular crystalline characteristics of the marble suggest either an Italian origin or stone from western Asia Minor. From the lateFirst Century BCE onward Roman sarcophagai were frequently adorned all around with deep relief figural sculpture. Some examples are noted in the COMPARISONS below.

COMPARISONS: For related examples of Erotes from sarcophagai, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston website (, Accession Number 76.719 for a fragment of a sarcophagus with Erotes playing with a Silenos mask, one of them having fallen on his back. Also, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston website (, Accession Number 1973.480, with 2 Erotes or Amorini in very high relief, dated 200-225 CE.

 Note that this item will likely be consigned to a one year exhibit of Mediterranean antiquities at the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, NC, beginning Spring of 2014.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Final Appeal: Trust for Ancient Art Crowd Funding Campaign

Just 4 days left in the Trust for Ancient Art crowd funding campaign. Now is the time to give, if you can.

We’ve achieved so much in 3 years, gifting 33 examples of Near Eastern and Egyptian bronzes, Cypriot and Greek ceramics, Roman oil lamps and glass vessels and early Byzantine art to the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, California in 2010, further donations to the Crocker of superb Egyptian funerary art, Greek bronze and Roman limestone sculpture in 2012, fine Greek and Roman ceramics to the University of Missouri at Kansas City, Department of Classical Studies in 2012 and the recent gift of  a fine 14th Century English ceramic floor tile to the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Please help us continue this work next year by giving a gift of any size today in US, Canadian or UK funds. Here is the Campaign's Indiegogo web page: It includes:

* Detailed descriptions of what the Trust does and why, accomplishments and plans for the future.
* A short video appeal.
* Photo gallery of every antiquity the Trust has gifted to date.
* Descriptions of "perks" we're offering to donors at various levels.

All funds will be directed toward acquiring and dispersing appropriate examples of ancient art to carefully selected public museums and university collections. The Trust is not a registered non-profit, tax exempt. Gifts are not tax deductible.

Please visit the Trust's page on Indiegogo, read through it, view the objects we've gifted, watch the short video. We hope you’ll find it worthy of a contribution. Thank you!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Trust for Ancient Art Crowdfunding Campaign: 12 Days Remaining…

We have 12 days remaining (ending September 24, 2013, 11:59 pm Pacific Time) in our Trust for Ancient Art funding campaign and we’ve raised $417 of our $2,000 goal. We are using the “Flexible Funding” model, meaning the campaign will receive all funds raised even if it does not reach its goal.

If you’ve been following the progress of our campaign on Indiegogo, you are aware of the work our Trust has done, gifting over 40 examples of ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Cypriot and Near Eastern art to the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, California, the University of Missouri at Kansas City Classical Studies Program, and the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, North Carolina. But all the antiquities set aside in 2010 for gifting have now been disbursed, and with the demands of Clio Ancient Art and family, we can no longer fund the Trust entirely out of pocket. Hence, the phenomenon of “crowdfunding”, using the Indiegogo website ( ).

Here is the Campaign’s Indiegogo web page: It includes:
* Detailed descriptions of what the Trust does and why, what it has accomplished so far, and plans for the future.
* Periodic updates.
* Short video appeal.
* Photo gallery of every antiquity the Trust has gifted to date.
* Descriptions of “perks” we’re offering to donors at various levels.

All funds will be directed toward acquiring and dispersing appropriate examples of ancient art to carefully selected public museums and university collections. The Trust is not a registered non-profit, tax exempt. Gifts are not tax deductible. For some donors this may mean it makes more sense to give a modest gift of $30-50, rather than a large gift. We accept gifts of any amount in US, Canadian, Australian and UK currencies. Only 2 donors have so far claimed their ancient Roman coin “perks” so we have plenty of these left if you wish to donate $30 or more (31 Canadian Dollars or 19 British Pounds).

Please visit the Trust’s page on Indiegogo, read through it, view the objects we’ve gifted, watch the short video. No doubt you will find this effort worthy of a contribution.

Meanwhile, a few exciting developments to share with you –

* We are in discussions with the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, NC about initiating a temporary gallery of ancient Mediterranean art sometime next year. This would utilize the Mint’s existing collection of antiquities (long hidden in storage and never shared with the public), gifts from our own Clio Ancient Art, and from private owners. As the Trust has now gifted all its holdings and is working to acquire more (part of the idea behind this campaign), Clio will offer several high quality items for display in this exhibit, part of a 1-year loan.

* We have completed the process of working with the Mint Museum to properly classify and catalog the 120 or so antiquities so long hidden in their basement, allowing us to assist them in possibly purging the collection of less display-worthy items.

* We have identified a source for several quality Trust acquisitions for next year. Once this campaign has ended we will share more details on this point with donors to the campaign.

* Finally, curatorial staff at the Mint Museum continue to share their enthusiasm for the 14th Century Medieval English floor tile gifted to them by the Trust last month. They recognize it as an important addition, filling a major gap in their extensive holdings of English ceramic materials.

Thanks again to everyone who has made a gift so far. Your perks will mail out the last week of September. And please continue to share information about our campaign to all who might be interested, at

Chris M. Maupin
Clio Ancient Art and Antiquities
Chris Maupin Trust for Ancient Art
Roman limestone figure of a partially draped youth with pomegranate and bird, 1st-2nd Century, gifted to the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, CA, May, 2012

Friday, September 6, 2013

Latest News from the Trust for Ancient Art

19 days remaining in the Trust for Ancient Art's crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo. so far raised $417 of our $2,000 goal (about 21%).

We have some exciting developments to tell you about.

* We are in discussions with the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, NC about initiating a temporary gallery of ancient Mediterranean art sometime next year. This would utilize the Mint's existing collection of antiquities (long hidden in storage and never shared with the public), gifts from our own Clio Ancient Art, and from private owners. As the Trust has now gifted all its holdings and is working to acquire more (part of the idea behind this campaign), Clio will offer several high quality items for display in this exhibit, part of a 1-year loan.

* We have completed the process of working with the Mint Museum to properly classify and catalog the 120 or so antiquities so long hidden in their basement, allowing us to assist them in possibly purging the collection of less display-worthy items.

* We have identified a source for several quality Trust acquisitions for next year. Once this campaign has ended we will share more details on this point.

* Finally, curatorial staff at the Mint Museum continue to share their enthusiasm for the 14th Century Medieval English floor tile gifted to them by the Trust last month. They recognize it as an important addition, filling a major gap in their extensive holdings of English ceramic materials.

Thanks again to everyone who has made a gift so far. Your perks will mail out the last week of September. And please continue to share information information about our campaign to all who might be interested, at

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Donated to the Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, NC

Today our Trust for Ancient Art gifted this superb 14th Century English glazed ceramic floor tile to the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, North Carolina. It fills a large gap in their collections of English ceramics and ceramic history in general.

 Our Trust for Ancient Art has donated over 40 examples of ancient Egyptian, Greek & Roman art to museums and universities. Help us continue this important work: