Monday, April 29, 2013

Antiquities in The Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA

This link will take you to a photo album on our Facebook page:

Most recent installation of the antiquities collection, including many pieces donated by Clio Ancient Art & Antiquities' "Chris M. Maupin Irrevocable Trust for Ancient Art". This is the 3rd re-installation of the relatively new collection and includes many pieces that Clio Ancient Art and the Trust worked with the Museum on acquiring from other private collectors. Of course, only a fraction of the collection, now numbering over 200 objects, is on display at any one time; perhaps 45 objects. Of the 40 or so pieces gifted by the Trust, about 15 are currently on display. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ancient Beads in Faience, Glass, Stone and Metal

A good photo essay on our WordPress page...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Roman Antiquities in the British Museum: A Photo Essay

Here's link to a photo essay we compiled on WordPress. 25 large scale clickable images with accompanying text and links back to similar antiquities available on our website. Enjoy...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

New Tools on Our Home Page

We've added some new tools to our website's Home Page:
A "Like" button for Facebook, a "Join" button for our Yahoo Group and a "Recommend" button, all at the bottom of the page -

If you do not already follow us on Facebook, go ahead and click that button. Of course, we'd be thrilled if you used the "Recommend" button for your colleagues, fellow collectors, etc.

Best to all...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Our "Links" Page: Another Useful Resource

The "Links" Page on our website -- -- offers a wealth of resources relating to antiquities, ancient art and ancient cultures. There are links to general online resources about antiquities collecting, links to academic and museum collections online, links to antiquities trade associations and to both print and online publications, and much more. Here's that link again --


Friday, April 19, 2013

Snooze time...

We’ve added a pic on the “About Us” page of our website showing our Administrative Assistant taking a break. Note his “Eye of Horus” stripes!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Several Fine Antiquities Added to Our Website

Hello Customers, Friends & Fans of Clio Ancient Art:

As promised, we have added a few really fine quality items to the Clio website. These include the following --

1. A brilliant turquoise blue Egyptian faience “Overseer Ushabti of the 21st or 22nd Dynasty from the Doorn-Koller Collection --

2. A rare Roman manganese glass double head-shaped bottle -

3. A superb Byzantine pottery oil lamp with cross fourchee in relief --

4. A Roman silver ring with punch marked head of Helios on the bezel --

Additional images besides those on the website are available for items 1 and 2 above.

As always, thank you for looking. Please contact us should you have any questions prior to making a purchase.

Best wishes,

Chris M. Maupin
Clio Ancient Art & Antiquities
338 So. Sharon Amity Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
(704) 293-3411

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Useful Tool: Our “Sold Antiquities” Page

This is the link to our “Sold Antiquities” page, which includes images and brief descriptions of objects we’ve sold over the last couple of years. By virtue of the great number of items it displays, it is a very useful tool both for researching antiquities in general, and specifically for tracking antiquities we’ve sold. So often, antiquities with perfectly legitimate provenance pass from a dealer to a private collector, then perhaps to another collector or dealer, and loose their provenance information in the process. Using this page, items we’ve sold may be traced back to Clio Ancient Art and their long term provenance established.

Here’s the link again:
