Thursday, November 21, 2013

More Fine Antiquities Added to Our Website

Hello Again:

Just a brief note to let you know we’ve added still more fine antiquities to our website.
Here are quick links to some of these –

* Exceptional Roman Bronze Arm, Hand & Purse of Mercury

* Roman Bronze Bird Fibula (Brooch) with Blue Enamel

* Mixed Group of 6 Roman Bronze Fibulae (Brooches)

And many more…

We’ve also added several more excellent Roman coins, some from an exceptional hoard of Constantinian bronzes

As always, thanks for looking. We will be adding a variety of other objects to the website in December and we will update you at that time.

Best wishes,

Chris M. Maupin
Clio Ancient Art and Antiquities
Chris Maupin Trust for Ancient Art
PO Box 7714
Wilmington, NC 28406
Phone: 704-293-3411

Friday, November 15, 2013

Latest Clio News: Our Move is Complete, Website Uodated and More!

Hello Customers, Friends & Fans of Clio Ancient Art:

Most of you know that in early October we were planning our move from Charlotte, NC to the coastal City of Wilmington, NC. That move has been completed and we are happily settled in our wonderful new home. Wilmington is a modest sized city of just 110,000 people but thriving, with a lively performing arts scene, major film industry, sophisticated restaurant and food community, a strong academic base with a campus of the University of North Carolina, a large Historic District featuring remarkable homes and public buildings dating from our nation's Colonial Era, the Antebellum period and later, and, of course, magnificent beaches, offshore islands, inland waterways and other natural wonders.

Now that we've settled in, we've updated our website - - with many fine antiquities. These include -

* An Egyptian writing tablet amulet in moss agate -

* 2 small Egyptian Late Period faience ushabtis -

and -

* A superb Roman bronze zoomorphic brooch in the shape of a duck -

* A small Roman bronze zoomorphic brooch in the shape of a stylized Celtic horse -

* A Roman bronze zoomorphic brooch in the shape of a standing horse -

* Many examples of Romano-British and Pre-Roman Celtic bronze fibulae, too numerous to list individually here but these may be viewed in our "Ancient Jewelry and Personal Adornment" section here -

* A great selection of Roman coins in bronze and silver. Far too numerous to list individually here, these are listed in both our Roman Antiquities pages and in our Ancient Coins section -

Please note our new mailing address below.

Thank you and best wishes,

Chris M. Maupin
Clio Ancient Art and Antiquities
Chris Maupin Trust for Ancient Art
PO Box 7714
Wilmington, NC 28406
Phone (704) 293-3411

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Antiquity of the Week: Villanovan Pottery Vessel

Our selection for antiquity of the week is thus superb, intact Villanovan Impasto Ware Vessel

CULTURE / REGION OF ORIGIN: Villanovan Culture, Italy (Northern Lazio or Southern Etruria))
DATE:  8th – 7th Century BCE
DIMENSIONS: Maximum height with handle 11 cm (4.3 in.); maximum width 13.1 cm (5.1 in.); rim diameter 12.0 cm (4.7 in.)

Link to this Item:

DESCRIPTION: A Villanovan brown Impasto Ware dipper. The vessel rests on a flat bottom, expands to its greatest width about half way up the bowl, narrows slightly, then continues vertically up to the lip. At three roughly equidistant points around the outside of the body, there are nipple-like projections. The handle is flat in section and divided into two loops. The entire surface is highly burnished, inside and out. There are three very small chips to the rim but the vessel is otherwise intact. A very nice example of the type.

PROVENANCE: Formerly in the collection of Lord Dayton of Corran, the collection formed between 1960 and 2000.

PUBLISHED: Ex Bonhams, ANTIQUITIES, 27 April 2006, London, Page 160, illustrated in color on Page 159.
COMPARISONS: Sestieri and De Santis, The Protohistory of the Latin Peoples, Electa, Rome, 2000, pages 36, 62 and 84 for examples of Villanovan Impasto Ware jugs or dippers of very similar form, with divided handles and projections on the body. 

SPECIAL NOTES:  The Etruscan civilization of Italy has its immediate roots in the Villanovan culture of west central Italy; an area open to influences from Greek and Carthaginian colonists and traders and northern European Celtic cultures. The Villanovan culture, centered in a broad area around the modern city of Bologna, rapidly developed from simple agricultural village life to a more socially stratified and technologically sophisticated society. The Etruscan cities of the following centuries grew directly out of Villanovan town foundations.This large, beautiful, highly polished pottery vessel offers a glimpse forward to the sophisticated Etruscan Impasto and Bucchero wares of the 7th and 6th Centuries BCE.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Books for Pleasure & Research, Antiquarian Books & Prints, Catalogs, Periodicals & More…

One of the resources we offer visitors to our website is a selection of books for both pleasure & research, antiquarian books & prints, catalogs and periodicals, all dealing with antiquities collecting and auctions, ancient history and ancient art.

Our selection includes some fine examples of professionally mounted and framed art with themes relating to antiquity, such as this 19th Century English print with scenes of classical mythology -


We also offer unframed artwork with antiquarian themes, such as the marvelous 1820 print above illustrating Greek vases from the collection of Sir Henry Englefield.

Antiquarian books are always a favorite, such as this copy of Babylonian Life and History by the famed Biblical archaeologist E. Wallis Budge, printed in 1897 -


For the reader with a more general interest in the ancient world, we offer selections of popular books, such as this group of 3 books dealing with Late Antiquity -


And for the antiquities collector we always have a substantial number of antiquities auction catalogs from the London and New York auction houses. These are difficult to find once the auction has ended and expensive to purchase in advance. As many antiquities circulate through the market over the years, serious collectors are keen to acquire these groups of catalogs. In addition to being fully illustrated, these catalogs help to establish provenance for the objects included. Here is an example of one set of catalogs for sale on our site -


View all our offerings in our Books, Publications and Art section here:

Friday, October 25, 2013



Link to this object on our website:

CULTURE / REGION OF ORIGIN: Roman Empire; Italy or Eastern Mediterranean.
DATE: First half of the 1st Century CE
DIMENSIONS: 10.2 cm (4 in.) tall

DESCRIPTION: Roman unguentarium of amber-yellow glass with opaque milk-white trailing that has been marvered flush with the vessel’s surface. The vessel’s body is spherical with a slightly concave flattened base without a pontil mark, a tubular neck tapering towards the top, and a rim that folds outward and has been rounded and thickened at the edge. From the base to the rim runs a white spiral trail that makes multiple revolutions and has been dragged up and down six or seven times to create a broad festoon pattern. The vessel has been expertly reassembled from a few large fragments; very stable and otherwise intact.

PROVENANCE: Formerly in a Welsh private collection formed between the 1970s and 2008.

PUBLISHED: Bonhams, London, ANTIQUITIES, 29 April, 2009, Lot #302, listed and illustrated on Page 174.

SPECIAL NOTES: Most early Roman blown glass vessels, such as this example, have pear shaped bodies and continue to use the strong color contrasts of earlier core formed glass. As blown glass became more common and cheaper these strong colors were replaced by simple clear glass, of which many examples are available on our website.

COMPARISONS: E. Marianne Stern, Roman, Byzantine and Early Medieval Glass, 10 BCE-700 CE, Ernesto Wolf Collection, 2001, Cat. Numbers 2, 3 & 4 for closely related examples. Also, Yael Israeli, Wonders of Ancient Glass at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 1998, page 26 for several related examples.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Holiday Gift Giving Preview

With the holiday season approaching, it’s time to begin thinking about appropriate gifts. Clio Ancient Art and Antiquities offers a wide selection of genuinely unique items, in every price range, for the art collector, history enthusiast or other difficult to shop for recipient on your list. 

Many genuine, fine quality items may be had for less than $100, as well as far more expensive antiquities for the discerning collector. Of course, we will be adding more fine items to our stock as the holidays approach but this is just a sample of some popular, less expensive holiday gift items. Enjoy.

Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace, 300 BC-200 AD, $255     

Early Roman Bronze Brooch, $92.50  

Postumus, British Usurper Emperor AD 260-269. Silver Antoninianus, $42.50

Roman Glass Pendant Beads, 4th-5th Century, $87.50

Roman Provincial Coin, Orichalcum 5 Assarion of Gordion III
AD 238-244

Roman Empire, Bronze AE3 of Constantius II, AD 337-361, $28.50

Byzantine Pottery Oil Lamp, Holy Land, 6th Century AD. $155.00

Byzantine Openwork Cross and Pelta Buckle, 7th Century, $157.50                                                                   


Monday, October 14, 2013

Antiquity of the Week

Last week we began a new weekly series, “Antiquity of the Week” to focus on selected examples of ancient art currently on our website at

This week we offer a large mold-made Roman red slip ware flask from North Africa, dating to the 3rd Century AD. Here are the details –

Web link:

Roman Red Slip Ware Flask
CULTURE / REGION OF ORIGIN: Roman North Africa (modern Tunisia)
DATE: Circa 3rd Century CE
DIMENSIONS: 16 cm (5.25 in.) tall.

DESCRIPTION: A Roman North African red slip pottery flask with applied decoration. The fabric is very fine and the vessel thin walled and light. The piriform vessel is decorated with appliques, including nude male figures with drapery, possibly depicting Herakles, on either side, with a lion or panther running beneath. Other appliques include three tall palm branches, one to either side of the handle and one between the male figures, and above each male figure a victor’s crown bearing a pair of laurel sprays and central rosette. The handle is mould made and bears a detailed palm branch in relief along its entire height. A simple double moulding below the mouth defines the decorated area of the vessel’s body, and the mouth itself is flattened, projecting outward. The vessel rests on a small splayed foot. Reassembled from fragments but complete with no fill. An impressive example.


PROVENANCE: Ex Dr. Harley Baxter (1947-2009) Collection, Melbourne, Australia.


COMPARISONS: For a very closely related example, see The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession number 74.51.383, part of the Cesnola Collection, reassembled from fragments:
Also, John W. Hayes, Roman Pottery in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 1976, Number 96 (Plate 12). Also, Christies antiquities sale of 8 June, 2004 (Sale 1384, Lot 166) for another similar example, also reassembled from fragments, that brought $1,434.00.


As the demand for high quality Roman red slip pottery, frequently referred to as Samian Ware, outpaced the supply in the 1st Century AD, local imitation and variations sprang up at workshops all around the Mediterranean, especially in North Africa and Asia Minor. The North African examples, made in the Roman province that now corresponds to Tunisia, had the most longevity, with fine quality pottery and oil lamps continuing in production well into the 6th Century.



Below is a 2nd Century AD example of locally produced red ware from western Asia Minor, gifted by our Trust for Ancient Art and now in the Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California.




Fine quality red ware ceramic oil lamps are perhaps the best known output from the North African pottery workshops of the later Roman period. Many examples of 4th Century AD onwards display Christian symbolism. Here is an earlier example of the 2nd Century with an unusual motif of a dwarf or pygmy holding an amphora