Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Scholars Discover New Poems from Ancient Greek Poetess Sappho

Link to this story -

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Books for Pleasure & Research, Antiquarian Books & Prints, Catalogs, Periodicals & More…

One of the resources we offer visitors to our website is a selection of books for both pleasure & research, antiquarian books & prints, catalogs and periodicals, all dealing with antiquities collecting and auctions, ancient history and ancient art.

Our selection includes some fine examples of professionally mounted and framed art with themes relating to antiquity, such as this 19th Century English print with scenes of classical mythology -


We also offer unframed artwork with antiquarian themes, such as the marvelous 1820 print above illustrating Greek vases from the collection of Sir Henry Englefield.

Antiquarian books are always a favorite, such as this copy of Babylonian Life and History by the famed Biblical archaeologist E. Wallis Budge, printed in 1897 -


For the reader with a more general interest in the ancient world, we offer selections of popular books, such as this group of 3 books dealing with Late Antiquity -


And for the antiquities collector we always have a substantial number of antiquities auction catalogs from the London and New York auction houses. These are difficult to find once the auction has ended and expensive to purchase in advance. As many antiquities circulate through the market over the years, serious collectors are keen to acquire these groups of catalogs. In addition to being fully illustrated, these catalogs help to establish provenance for the objects included. Here is an example of one set of catalogs for sale on our site -


View all our offerings in our Books, Publications and Art section here:

Friday, October 4, 2013

Not an Antiquity but an Extraordinary Object, Just the Same


An extraordinary manuscript is to be auctioned in London, October 8 — An unusual Qur’an manuscript, written from memory by Ayub bin Suleyman (Job, son of Solomon), a former slave, originally from the kingdom of Foota (modern Senegal), who had been taken into slavery, transported to America, escaped from his owners in Maryland, made his way to England and eventually home to west Africa. Dated AD 1733 Here is the link to this object at Bonhams auction house in London —