Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I'm thrilled to announce that in just its first 24 hours the Trust raised $350 of its $2,000 goal - that's 17.5%!!! We have 43 days yet to go and will keep you updated.

Our Trust for Ancient Art has donated over 40 examples of ancient Egyptian, Greek & Roman art to museums and universities. Help us continue this important work

If you haven't yet visited the Trust's page on Indiegogo, please do and consider making a modest contribution. Even if you cannot contribute, please share this link with others via e-mail or social networking - http://igg.me/at/Ancient-Art-Education-for-All/x/4074220

We've selected this superb late 2nd Intermediate Period Egyptian lead funerary falcon as the symbol of our Crowdfunding Campaign on Indiegogo.

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