Sadly, this incident, while widely reported
because it involves a prominent European football star, illustrates
many flaws in Italian cultural patrimony laws. These laws are often
enforced unevenly, with the powerful and influential escaping
prosecution. They tend to focus on punishment alone as a solution to the
problem of looting or unauthorized ownership of antiquities, rather
than following a more rational model that would encourage reporting of
finds by the public with financial incentives. And these laws are based
solely on outdated nationalistic, emotional arguments that all Roman
antiquities, for example, must belong to the modern Italian state, which
of course has very little relationship to the vast majority of ancient
Roman artifacts. In the case of Pompeii and many other Italian
archaeological sites, the near total neglect of these sites, in terms of
the Italian government’s overall financial resources, is a disgrace,
given the sheer scale of tourism these sites generate. Perhaps I’ll
engage in a more detailed examination of these issues using this blog in
the near future.
Clio Ancient Art and Antiquities seeks to make antiquities and artifacts of the Mediterranean world accessible to a wide audience while offering print and electronic resources to both the novice and experienced collector of ancient art. With 25 years experience collecting and extensive travel in the Mediterranean world, owner Chris Maupin has consulted on ancient art for museums and private collectors.
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