Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Antiquity of the Week: Roman Enameled and Tinned Bronze Rabbit Brooch

Our selection for "Antiquity of the Week" is this very small but remarkable Romano-British rabbit brooch with surviving traces of a tin coating (to resemble silver) and enamel decoration.


CULTURE / REGION OF ORIGIN: Roman England but of Continental origin.

DATE: 1st or 2nd Century AD

DIMENSIONS:  2.3 cm (0.90 in.)

DESCRIPTION: A remarkable and very uncommon type of Roman rabbit brooch, of the so-called "Rabbit with Young" type - so named because the 2 cells in the surface each form of a small seated rabbit.  These rabbit cells still contain traces of the original red enamel fill, while the surface around them shows remains of tinning. The animal's front and back legs are delicate and clearly represented, with an overall naturalistic body. The tiny head is now missing. The back is flat and undecorated with the hinge and catch plate for the now missing pin still present. The UK Portable Antiquities Scheme's vast database contains only 11 examples of rabbit brooches, found in England but mostly of Continental origin, probably from Gaul, and only a few of these are the "Rabbit with Young" variety. A tiny, remarkable and very uncommon type at a very reasonable price.

PROVENANCE: UK metal detecting find, declared not Treasure and legally exported.

COMPARISONS: For a nearly identical example, also missing part of the head and the pin, see the UK Portable Antiquities Database at www.finds.org.uk, Unique ID: SF-D91D84

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Vikings Coming to The British Museum

Here's the link to the much talked about Viking exhibition coming to The British Museum this Spring - http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/exhibitions/vikings.aspx

Another Fine Ongoing Exhibit at the Villa

An ongoing, long term exhibition and a personal favorite. For those with an interest in ancient glass, I recommend the Getty’s publications selection on the topic, which is extensive – http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/molten_color/index.html

Exhibits at The Getty Villa

As always, there are some great exhibitions ongoing at the Getty Villa in Malibu. Here’s one, running through March 3, 2013 –

Friday, November 29, 2013

Antiquities for the Holidays

Hello Customers, Fans and Friends of Clio Ancient Art:

For Black Friday, Cyber Monday and all the other shopping days between now and the end of this year, we’ve loaded our website with many modestly priced fine quality antiquities suitable for holiday gift giving. These include 

·         * Several dozen Roman, Byzantine, early Islamic and other ancient and medieval coins of all types, all reasonably priced, including several excellent examples of the coinage of Constantine I. You may find them here: http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c18_p1.html

·         * At least 20 examples of Roman bronze brooches of several types. These are very personal antiquities that connect us to the individuals who originally wore them. Many are available for under $100. You may find these in our multi-page Ancient Jewelry section here: http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c19_p1.html
      * Ancient oil lamps, including fine Roman redware, Byzantine, Hellenistic and early Islamic examples - http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c14_p1.html
      * Ancient glass vessels and objects, mostly Roman, in many shapes, styles, colors and prices - http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c13_p1.html and here http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c24_p1.html

·         * As always, we offer fine quality Egyptian antiquities - http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c2_p1.html
·         * Greek antiquities - http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c3_p1.html

·        *  And mixed Byzantine, Near Eastern, Medieval and other types of antiquities - http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c26_p1.html – and here - http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c21_p1.html

Many of the fine quality objects offered in these pages also very moderately priced for holiday gift giving or for treating yourself. Domestic shipping is free (see our website for international shipping costs).

As always, thanks for looking and please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Chris M. Maupin
Clio Ancient Art and Antiquities
Chris Maupin Trust for Ancient Art
PO Box 7714
Wilmington, NC 28406
Phone: 704-293-3411
Web: http://www.clioancientart.com/

Friday, November 22, 2013

ANTIQUITY OF THE WEEK: Roman Bronze Arm, Hand and Purse of Mercury

Exceptional Roman Bronze Arm, Hand & Purse of Mercury


DATE: 2nd-3rd Century AD

DIMENSIONS: 4 cm (1.57 in.) long, 3.5 cm (1.38 in.) tall

DESCRIPTION: A beautifully preserved hollow cast bronze arm and hand holding a purse from a statuette of the Roman god Mercury (equivalent to the Greek god Hermes). The arm is bent at the elbow, in the god’s typical stance, and the detailed hand grasps a shepherds purse. Mercury was the patron god of financial gain and commerce, among others roles, and statuettes of the god were especially popular in the western European provinces of the Empire. Mercury’s Greek equivalent, Hermes, was also a protector of shepherds, so his purse, which resembles an animal skin, is referred to as a shepherds purse. Unlike most smaller statuette fragments, this example is just large enough to have come from a hollow cast statuette, probably from a household or military shrine. The point at which the arm has broken away from the statuette reveals its hollow inside. The surfaces are a very smooth dark green, almost black, with small areas of pale earthen highlighting.

PROVENANCE: Oxfordshire, UK metal detecting find, declared not treasure and legally exported.

COMPARISONS: See the UK Portable Antiquities Scheme online database, object SF-EBF-303, for a smaller hand and purse found in Suffolk, and the British Museum collections online, number 1851,0813.9 for a complete figurine of Mercury found in France, measuring about 6 inches tall, holding the purse in this same posture.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

More Fine Antiquities Added to Our Website


Hello Again:

Just a brief note to let you know we’ve added still more fine antiquities to our website.
Here are quick links to some of these –

* Exceptional Roman Bronze Arm, Hand & Purse of Mercury http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/i490.html

* Roman Bronze Bird Fibula (Brooch) with Blue Enamel http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/i489.html

* Mixed Group of 6 Roman Bronze Fibulae (Brooches) http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/i491.html

And many more…

We’ve also added several more excellent Roman coins, some from an exceptional hoard of Constantinian bronzeshttp://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c18_p1.html

As always, thanks for looking. We will be adding a variety of other objects to the website in December and we will update you at that time.

Best wishes,

Chris M. Maupin
Clio Ancient Art and Antiquities
Chris Maupin Trust for Ancient Art
PO Box 7714
Wilmington, NC 28406
Phone: 704-293-3411
Web: http://www.clioancientart.com/