Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Trust for Ancient Art Crowdfunding Campaign Video 1

Ancient Art Trust Video 1

This is our first video for the Ancient Art Trust and its Crowdfunding Campaign on Indiegogo. We're at 17.5% of our crowd funding goal! 45 days to go. Donations begin at $30. Perks for all donors! Please watch the vid and visit the Trust's page at: http://igg.me/at/Ancient-Art-Education-for-All/x/4074220
I'm thrilled to announce that in just its first 24 hours the Trust raised $350 of its $2,000 goal - that's 17.5%!!! We have 43 days yet to go and will keep you updated.

Our Trust for Ancient Art has donated over 40 examples of ancient Egyptian, Greek & Roman art to museums and universities. Help us continue this important work

If you haven't yet visited the Trust's page on Indiegogo, please do and consider making a modest contribution. Even if you cannot contribute, please share this link with others via e-mail or social networking - http://igg.me/at/Ancient-Art-Education-for-All/x/4074220

We've selected this superb late 2nd Intermediate Period Egyptian lead funerary falcon as the symbol of our Crowdfunding Campaign on Indiegogo.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Our New Vimeo and YouTube Accounts

We’ve received such a positive response overall on our antiquities informational videos (2 so far) that it seemed a good idea to share with everyone our Vimeo and YouTube pages. I’m partial to Vimeo myself; they have better tools for editing and enhancing vids and a more culturally literate viewing population:
Here is a link to Clio Ancient Art & Antiquities Vimeo Channel: https://vimeo.com/clioantiquities
Here is a link to Clio Ancient Art & Antiquities YouTube Channel:  http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdFmlhmTETtLrK6CEsvDHHg

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Our First Antiquities Informational Video

 Something new: our first antiquities informational video. This one deals with the question of determining authenticity. We'll improve the sound and lighting on future vids, which will deal with many other aspects of the antiquities trade as well as specific types of antiquities by material, culture, date, etc. Hoping to post new vids every week to ten days. Comments welcome.




Our website: www.clioancientart.com

Friday, July 19, 2013

Ancient Classical Coins: Beauty and Diversity

Over the years Clio Ancient Art has sold a great many ancient coins.

While our focus has always been ancient artifacts and art of the Roman, Greek, Byzantine, Cypriot, Egyptian, Near Eastern civilizations, ancient coins are always popular with our customers.

In this Blog entry, which is admittedly as much for pure visual pleasure as for educational value, we offer a very small sample of images of coins we’ve sold in the past couple of years, including Greek, Roman Republic, Roman Imperial and Byzantine coins in silver and bronze, and a few from related cultures.

It may surprise some readers to learn that many ancient coins like those shown here may be purchased for under $100 or even under $50.

To view our current selection of ancient coins go to: http://www.clioancientart.com/catalog/c18_p1.html

 Greek Cities, Kallatis, Silver Octobol, 3rd Century BC

Kingdom of Macedon, Bronze of Philip II, 356-339 BC

                             Roman Republic Silver Denarius of M. Lucillius Rufusus, 101 BC

 Roman Empire, Silver Denarius of Vespasian

 Roman Empire, Silver Denarius of Julia Doman

Roman Empire, Silver Denarius of Severus Alexander, AD 222-235

Roman Empire, Silver Antoninianus of Gallienus

Constantine I (The Great) AE3, AD 307-337 

Judean Kingdom Bronze Pruttah of Alexander Jannaeus

Byzantine Empire, bronze Follis of Justinian I


 Parthian Kingdom, Silver Drachm of Orodes I, AD 80-90

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Common Question: How Do I Know it’s “Real”?

We are quite frequently asked by aspiring private collectors as well as experienced antiquities owners and even museums how to determine if an object they own is a genuine antiquity or if it is a fake, forgery or reproduction. Our Identification and Authentication Services page addresses this question: http://www.clioancientart.com/id23.html